Chpt 1 – Ohhhh, So You Have Section 8

I had one of my male residents schedule an appointment to review his rent increase with me one year. He came in with a manila folder (they usually do) with an array of court documents. I calmly went through them, couldn’t find anything pertinent that would change my calculations so I asked him what exactly am I looking at and what should I be looking for? He calmly stated, “that’s my child support payments”. My response, “congratulations and I am so glad you are doing what men are supposed to do, now what else can I do for you today”.

He didn’t understand, he genuinely felt that his biweekly child support payments should be deducted because his next door neighbor (who is 64) said that I deducted what she paid fo her prescription glasses. I calmly explained there are only 5 kinds of deductions, deduction for dependents (when there listed on your lease), child care, NOT child support, disability assistance deduction, elderly/disabled family deduction; and a deduction for unreimbursed medical expenses. Nothing for child support, it’s like your cell phone bill, you’re locked in to a contract for 18 years boo boo. That spanking new phone don’t look so sexy now huh.